
Alethia is an online developmental coaching program. One begins to learn first as a participant through Alethia's method, and then eventually embodies the skills and capacities of being an Alethia coach. Thus, it makes coaches and then these coaches spread the program to then create more coaches.



Development in the Alethia program is understood as 'self-enfoldment' (I am already whole and complete and all I need to do is discover more and more my innate qualities) as opposed to 'self-improvement' (something is wrong or lacking in me and so I need to be fixed or improved) - 'Psychological and spiritual development is not a journey from the shallows to the depths. Rather, it is a journey of consciously inhabiting more and more of one’s depth'. Development is not linear but involves 'several concurrent and overlapping threads of unfoldment' at any one moment (p.8) - Development requires: a) releasing limiting emotional learnings and b) creating new emotional learnings. The vision of Alethia then is to make people comfortable with who they are and to increase self contact.

Core values

The aim of development is: 'developing a fresh sense of self that is not deficient but instead capable of navigating the complex challenges of life' (p.3) - Framework of 'four depths of contact with the present moment' in which development/unfoldment takes place: - Depth of Parts - Depth of Process - Depth of Presence - Depth of Nonduality - Development happens in relationship/is a relational process.


The advanced coaching program has for different levels: The fundamentals of unfolding, the alchemy of individuation, the gradual path to sudden awakening, and the essentials of non dual coaching. Level 1, for example, lasts for 12 weeks and involves a 2 hour session once a week.


Based on these four different 'depths', which are and entangled to some degree and depend on particular people in particular contexts, different methods are used to help one meet oneself and explore and experience greater self contact.


The Neuroscience of Enduring transformation