Why Transformative Spaces

This page explains why we are engaging in field building for transformative "deliberately developmental" spaces.

Five Whys starting from field-buliding

What: Birth a field/movement for transformative "deliberately developmental" spaces1 – aka provide definitions, exemplars, evangelists, and community (‘nucleus’). Build knowledge and agreement for the idea.

Why field-building?

This is novel idea, or at least framing and so needs this to get going.

Why get going?

More resources going towards developmental spaces, more rigorous research around what are the most effective methods and practices to develop necessary capacities so that…(more developmental spaces…)

Why more resources etc?

Because it leads to more (and better designed) developmental spaces so that more people gain the capacities to handle the growing challenges we face and build the better future we want. Can be both novel innovative spaces and this approach influencing mainstream institutions

Why more spaces?

Build the personal and collective capacities for this, which we believe include broad ontological/inner development (capacities for sensemaking, perspective taking, empathy, agency etc)

Why more people with capacities?

Address the metacrisis, build a flourishing future for humanity – or handle the inevitable crisis with greater resilience etc.


  1. or whatever the term is that is chosen.