Bildung Institute

The Bildung Institute is an organization based in the Netherlands which provides developmental education for young adults. They provide in person programs which can last up to 6 months, as well as a range of other courses and events.



They recognize themselves as an educational institution, but distinguish themselves from other kinds of educational institutions in that they are more focused on whole person development. Their overall aim as an organization appears to be to build the 'new university', founded on 'bildung' principles.

Core values

The 'bildung' principles are at the core of what they do. In particular, the organization is aimed at helping participants grow more comfortable and confident with who they are, their place in the world, and how they can use this understanding to help transform the world around them.


The organization provides 6-month modules which allow individuals a unique learning and development experience. They are: Body and Mind Cultivation; Sustainable Living & Development; New Story and Future of the World; Entrepreneurship & Meaningful Livelihood.

Each 6-month module goes through a cycle of 3 parts: Structured Curriculum; Self Learning Journey; and Reflection and Sharing.


To give an example of how one module is structured, there are 4 sections: identity, expression, transition, and impact. The first one, on identity, is about understanding and your identity and personal development. You learn to know and strengthen your own strengths. How have you been shaped by your culture, upbringing and our social system? What is your mission and vision? You learn to think constructively and deal with differences, irritations and prejudices. Expression includes practices which allow one to manifest what they learned in identity, and transition focuses on living in a world in transition. Lastly, the impact section ties in the first three to focus on how one can have a meaningful and unique impact in the world. Thus, all the sections o the module build off of eachother.
