Deep Belonging

Deep Belonging is an educational platform which provides retreats, mentoring, and other events geared towards the evolution of individual and collective conscious.



Catalyzing the transformation of human consciousness needed to bring about a mutually enhancing human-Earth relationship.

Core values

Every individual is an integral expression of the evolving cosmos and an essential member of the Earth community.


Deep Belonging offers mentoring, retreats, and courses that are rooted in depth psychology, spiritual ecology, deep nature connection, and evolutionary cosmology. Ā 


One of their primary practices is 'mentoring'. As they put on their website, "the mentoring journey is unique to each person. In general, you can expect your mentor to ask probing questions, reflect back to you your strengths, growth areas, and blind spots (mirroring), and provide guidance as you navigate the inner terrain and deepen your relationship with the Living World."
